Join the team

The application process

The application process

Have you found an interesting job offer at HEWI International? Then send your application by email as a PDF file (max. 50 MB) to your point of contact in our Human Resources department.



Your application, written in English, should include your CV and a cover letter. If you have your school-leaving certificate or references from your last employer, please enclose them.  Please also provide information about your salary expectations and tell us your potential start date.


Did you not find what you were looking for in the vacancies? You are welcome to send us your unsolicited application if you think you would be a good fit within our international team.

The next


  1. Initial interview: 
    If you win us over professionally, we will invite you to an initial interview. Here, you will be given about an hour to introduce yourself to an employee from the HR department and a leading employee from HEWI International. This initial conversation will take place as a video interview via MS teams.
  2. Second Interview: You’re a good match! 
    If we find that your personality is a good match for HEWI during this interview, we will invite you to a face-to-face meeting. In this second interview, we will clarify important contractual information and briefly show you around your potential new work space.
  3. You’re on board!  
    If everything goes well, you will receive confirmation by telephone. And if you then also agree, we will send you your employment contract by post for you to sign.

The locations

in focus

Find out more about our locations in Great Britain, France, Scandinavia, Poland, the USA and the BeNeLux region / Southern Europe! Or just take a look at our vacancies at HEWI International!

This is what HEWI USA can offer you

At HEWI you will enjoy real team spirit, open communication and the freedom you need to achieve your job goals in a organised manner. We will support your success with professional business processes and short decision-making processes. As a basis for your expert knowledge, you will receive in-depth training at our headquarters in Bad Arolsen, Germany, during which you will get to know our products, our working methods, our design philosophy and our welcoming culture. For your work in the USA, we will equip you with a Smartphone, tablet and laptop so that you can work from home and be flexible on the go. You will receive a competitive salary and bonus package from us, including additional general medical and dental benefits as well as contributions to your private pension scheme (in accordance with the 401k plan). And so that you may fully develop your potential at HEWI USA, we will support you with further training measures tailored to your needs.


We are looking for

  • communicative sales talents
  • with national or international sales experience, with an
  • interest in architecture and
  • very good knowledge of English.


Would you like to work for HEWI USA? Take a look at our vacancies or send us an unsolicited application! 

This is what HEWI Poland can offer you

HEWI Poland is part of the medium-sized family-run company HEWI Heinrich Wilke GmbH in Germany, and it is therefore a reliable employer with exciting and challenging projects. As a member of our small, dynamic sales team in Poland, you will receive an attractive remuneration package and a high-quality company car, also for personal use.

You will actively address and advise customers and represent the HEWI brand and its design philosophy across the entire Central and Eastern European market. So that you can work flexibly, even from your home office, we will equip you with Smartphones, tablets and electronic notebooks. A detailed induction at our company headquarters in Bad Arolsen, Germany, forms the basis for your expertise in the areas of plumbing and hardware fittings. Here, you will learn everything about our products, get an insight into production and our highly professional company processes. This is followed by your induction in Warsaw, during which you will get to know your new colleagues, your customers and the internal processes.


So that you can fully develop your potential at HEWI Poland, we will support you with short decision-making processes, open communication and qualification measures that are tailored to your needs.


We are looking for

  • communicative sales talents with
  • national or international sales experience, with an
  • interest in architecture and
  • very good knowledge of Polish and English.


Are you interested in working for HEWI Poland? Take a look at our vacancies or send us an unsolicited application!

This is what HEWI Nordic ApS can offer you

With us, you will be able to put your skills and personal attributes to good use and really make a difference with your work. We will give you the responsibility and the freedom you need. We will ensure you have the expert knowledge during a thorough induction at the German headquarters in Bad Arolsen, followed by extensive in-house training in Copenhagen. You will be amazed by our professional operations and short decision-making processes!

Our open corporate communication is also a guarantee for your success at HEWI Nordic ApS, your new Danish employer. You will receive an employment contract based on Danish law and a Danish salary as a matter of course. Flexible working hours, working from home, a neutral company car also for personal use, Smartphone and laptop – with these framework conditions and tools you can plan your daily work routine to suit you. And with our custom training options, we will support you in fully developing your potential at HEWI Nordic ApS. 


We are looking for

  • communicative sales talents with
  • national or international sales experience, with an
  • interest in architecture and
  • very good knowledge of Danish or Swedish and English.


Are you interested in a sales job in Scandinavia? Take a look at our vacancies or send us an unsolicited application!

This is what HEWI France SARL can offer you

As a member of the HEWI France SARL team, you will receive an attractive remuneration package and enjoy flexible working hours. Of course, we will equip you with the latest generation of Smartphones, tablets and electronic notebooks so that you can work flexibly for HEWI, even from your home office.


It is important to us that you get to know our products and your new colleagues, and that you experience our welcoming culture first hand. You will therefore receive your induction at the company headquarters in Bad Arolsen, Germany, with subsequent training in Paris. We also attach great importance to your individual development. You can therefore look forward to professional qualification opportunities that are tailored to your needs.


We are looking for

  • communicative sales talents with
  • national or international sales experience, with an
  • interest in architecture and
  • very good knowledge of French and English.


Are you interested in working for HEWI France SARL? Take a look at our vacancies or send us an unsolicited application!

This is what HEWI International can offer you

Enjoy professional freedom with us! Plan a work routine that suits you and your new customer network. We will support you in really making a difference with your ideas and your work: through open, solution-oriented communication with our office staff in Bad Arolsen and through short decision-making processes.


With a thorough induction at our headquarters, we will ensure your have the required expertise in plumbing and hardware fittings. Your on-site colleagues will then help you get acquainted with your new sales area. Naturally, you will receive a competitive salary and a neutral company car, also for personal use. Equipped with a Smartphone, tablet and electronic notebook, nothing will stand in the way of your remote work, which will primarily be done from home.  And so that you may fully develop your potential at HEWI International, we will support you with further training that we tailor individually to your needs.


We are looking for

  • communicative sales talents with
  • national or international sales experience and
  • you should have a very good command of the language of the country you are applying for and also speak English very well.


Are you interested in a sales position in Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Southern Europe or Latin America? Then take a look at our current vacancies or send us an unsolicited application!

This is what HEWI UK Ltd. can offer you

HEWI UK Ltd is part of the medium-sized family-run company HEWI Heinrich Wilke GmbH in Germany, and it is therefore a reliable employer. As a member of our UK sales team, you will receive an attractive remuneration package and a high-quality company car, also for personal use. Equipped with modern equipment (smartphone, tablet, notebook), you will address and advise customers and represent the HEWI brand and its design philosophy on the entire British market – even from your home office.


Onboarding at our company headquarters in Bad Arolsen, Germany, will form the basis for your expertise in our products. Here, you will get to know our products, production and our highly professional company processes. You will then receive on-site training in Hoo, where you will get to know your new colleagues, our customers and our internal processes. We love our small, successful team in Hoo, our open communication and short decision-making processes. This is why some of us have been here for many years. It is a place where everyone has the opportunity to develop their potential and grow as a person. Because this is what HEWI promotes with its tailor-made opportunities for further training.


We are looking for

  • communicative sales talents with
  • national or international sales experience, with an
  • interest in architecture and
  • very good knowledge of English. 


Are you interested in working for HEWI UK Ltd? Take a look at our vacancies or send us an unsolicited application!

We would like

to get to know you

Do you still have questions about working at HEWI or about the company?

Michele Klimek would be happy to help you and answer your questions about the application process and the company.

Michele Klimek
Tel.: +49 (0)5691 82455

Fill out the form and we’ll get back to you.


Unsere administrativen Prozesse sind anspruchsvoll. Sie bilden Brücken zwischen den verschiedenen Unternehmensbereichen und Standorten und sichern reibungslose Abläufe. Damit das so bleibt, suchen wir Menschen, die uns organisiert und effizient in den Bereichen Finanzen und Controlling sowie im Personalmanagement unterstützen.


Mit unserem Produktprogramm sind wir in puncto Barrierefreiheit seit Jahrzehnten unangefochtener Themenführer in der Branche. Damit das so bleibt, ist es wichtig, Produkte und Kundenanforderungen gleichermaßen im Blick zu behalten. Für den Bereich Produktmanagement suchen wir Mitarbeitende, die uns darin unterstützen, unser Produktprogramm nachhaltig und strategisch weiterzuentwickeln und auch verstärkt digital auszusteuern.

Forschung und Entwicklung

Für unsere architektur- und designorientierten Produktlösungen suchen wir Menschen aus dem Produktdesign und aus dem Bereich Entwicklung und Konstruktion, die unseren hohen Qualitätsanspruch teilen und unser Produktprogramm mit Begeisterung weiterentwickeln. Denn neben Design-Ikonen wie dem Türdrücker 111 gilt es auch in Zukunft Design-Geschichte(n) weiterzuschreiben und neue Maßstäbe für ein individuelles und barrierefreies Bauen und Leben zu setzen.

Marketing und Vertrieb

Unser hochwertiges Produktprogramm erfordert ein intelligentes Marketing und einen individuellen Service für unseren nationalen wie internationalen Kundenkreis aus der Sanitär-, Heizungs- und Klimatechnik-Branche. Im Bereich Vertrieb und Marketing suchen wir kommunikations- und netzwerkstarke Persönlichkeiten, die mit ihrem Know-how, ihrer Beratungskompetenz und Fachexpertise unser Markenunternehmen repräsentieren und branchenbesten Service garantieren.

Produktion und Logistik

Wir sorgen mit unseren Sanitär- und Baubeschlägen für innovative Produktlösungen, fertigen anspruchsvolle Kunststoffteile und beliefern die Automobil- und Möbelindustrie. In unserer Produktionsstätte auf über 46.000 m² benötigen wir Experten und Expertinnen in der Werkzeugmechanik und Verfahrenstechnik und in unserem Lager Organisationstalente, die den Überblick behalten.

Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaschutz

Der Grundgedanke der Nachhaltigkeit steckt bereits in unseren Werten sowie Produkten und ist seither ein zentraler Bestandteil unserer Firmen-DNA: das zeitlose Design, die Langlebigkeit unserer Produkte sowie die Einbeziehung der Themen Barrierefreiheit und Inklusion. Wir bei HEWI haben Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaschutz ganzheitlich in der Unternehmensstrategie verankert und uns zum Ziel gesetzt, die Umwelt- und Sozialverträglichkeit bei all unseren unternehmerischen Tätigkeiten zu erhöhen. Wir verpflichten uns zum Klimaschutz und möchten langfristig klimaneutral (Net-Zero-Emissionen) werden. Die Mitgestaltung durch unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter ist dabei für uns von elementarer Bedeutung, weil sie ein wichtiges Element unseres Nachhaltigkeits- und Klimaschutzvorhabens sind.

Soziales Engagement

Soziales Engagement ist uns ein besonderes Anliegen. Wir bei HEWI unterstützen den Hessischen Behinderten- und Rehabilitations-Sportverband e.V., der bis zu 85.000 aktive Menschen in den Bereichen Individual-, Breiten, Mannschafts- und Rehasport in verschiedenen Vereinen repräsentiert.

Tarifliche Leistungen

Wir bieten attraktive Arbeitsverträge mit einer bedarfsorientierten, flexiblen Tarifpolitik. Das garantieren wir durch unsere Mitgliedschaft im Arbeitgeberverband HessenChemie. Außerdem bieten wir: Eine leistungsorientierte Bezahlung und 30 Urlaubstage bei einer Vollzeitstelle, tarifliche Sonderzahlungen, modernste Ausstattungen am Arbeitsplatz, verschiedene Mitarbeiterrabatte und für die Mitarbeitenden im Außendienst auch einen Firmenwagen.

Vereinbarkeit von Privatleben und Beruf

Die Vereinbarkeit von Privatleben und Beruf ist uns wichtig. Passend zum jeweiligen Aufgabenbereich ermöglichen wir Freiräume, sich selbst zu organisieren – mit flexiblen Arbeitszeiten und mobiler Arbeit. Außerdem stehen wir unterstützend bei der Wohnungssuche zur Seite und helfen, örtliche Betreuungs- und Bildungsangebote für Kinder zu finden. Tipps zum vielfältigen Kultur- und Freizeitangebot in der Region haben wir natürlich auch!

Entwicklung und Qualifizierung

Weiterbildung ist für uns Bestandteil eines lebenslangen Lernprozesses. Individuelle Weiterbildungs- und Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen ermöglichen es, dass alle ihr Potenzial voll ausschöpfen können. Zudem sind wir an der persönlichen Entwicklung unserer Mitarbeitenden interessiert und sorgen für verantwortungsvolle, abwechslungsreiche Aufgabengebiete in unserem Unternehmen.


Die Gesundheit unserer Mitarbeitenden zu fördern ist uns ein zentrales Anliegen. Wir bieten Gesundheitsfonds zur individuellen Nutzung an und eröffnen vielfältige Angebote in den Bereichen Bewegung und Entspannung sowie präventiver Maßnahmen. Eine ausgewogene Ernährung darf da nicht fehlen – die HEWI-Kantine bietet täglich eine gesunde und frische Auswahl!